Johnston County Alumnae Chapter
President's Message
Greetings and welcome to the home of Johnston County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. On behalf of our devastating members thank you for visiting our official website. It is my great privilege and honor to greet you as the 7th President of the Johnston County Alumnae Chapter. We are proud of our chapter’s accomplishments and look forward to continuing to serve our communities with the chapter’s theme of this biennium “Strengthening from Within” as we move forward in Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, and Social Action” guiding all we do.
Johnston County Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. was chartered on April 27, 2003, by twelve courageous and dynamic women. The chapter has successfully impacted lives and communities within Johnston County through the sorority’s principles of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Service, and Social Action. Our chapter is a movement, not a monument, that prides itself on delivering innovative programming with a far-reaching impact. The “Strength from Within” the chapter will be utilized to strengthen our community as our chapter grows and thrives. Johnston County Alumnae Chapter is a mighty and dynamic chapter of over 70 members. It is our charge to ensure we are providing effective, timely and relevant services in our community and we are looking forward to an amazing year.
Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Incorporated, founded in 1913, is a private, non-profit organization of college educated women whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc members for over 109 years have performed countless hours of service to uphold Delta’s mission of advancing humanity through our communities. Delta sigma Theta Sorority seeks to harness our collective strength to become the premiere women's organization by (1) amplifying our impact across the globe, (2) strengthening our Sisterhood with laser focus on improving internal relationships and member experiences, and (3) taking care of our community while we take care of each other.
If you are a soror looking for a chapter to call home, we would be more than thrilled to welcome you. We extend an invitation to all duly initiated members of Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc. in the area who is seeking a Delta Chapter home or who may be looking for a hard-working chapter to join us. We need you and we will welcome you with open arms and sisterly love.
We want you to be informed about our upcoming programs, activities and events so please visit us here, follow us on social media, or sign up as a Friend of Johnston County DST to receive information via email. While visiting our site, we hope that you gain knowledge about our sorority’s rich history, chapter programs and service to the community.
Yours In Service to Our Community,